Hello, dear customers and friends!
We are happy to provide you with the best service at affordable rates on SMS-Smart. We believe SMS marketing gives impressive results and you can achieve more by making targeted SMS campaigns. We are here at SMS Smart to help you!
So, if you have already registered at SMS-Smart, entered your personal Dashboard, get acquainted with creating SMS campaigns, you might think how to add the database of your clients with their phone numbers, names, etc.?
Here is a special menu in a Dashboard – Contacts, where you can add contacts manually, by clicking Create contact or by uploading your database from the file. Sure, if you have a hundred thousand customer’s database, you’ll choose Import contacts, which is a more easy and fast way to add many contacts. Let’s see how to do this.
First of all, you need to check your database file format if it suits SMS Smart requirements.
Note! Your file should be .csv or .xls format and should contain columns with the following details: first name, last name, phone (mandatory) including country code but without “+” sign, comments for each recipient. Don’t include column titles. You can add five more additional fields for other data about your client.
See an example below.
After your customer’s database is ready, move on to importing it to SMS Smart.
Let’s move step-by-step:
- To upload Contacts from a file go to Contacts >> click Upload contact list >> choose a file at your PC\laptop >>>
- There will be drop-down fields, choose according to the fields of the uploaded file.
- Create a new tag and/or choose from existing ones. Tag adds uploaded contacts to the group, so you should create a new tag (click Add new tag, give it a name, click save, click a newly created tag) or click existing if you created it before.
- Click Import.
- Once all the above steps are done, contacts import will be launched, you need to wait a bit till a green notification appears telling upload is finished, then you can click the clock icon to see the results of upload.
Especially for you, we have created a small illustrated user guide explaining how to import your database of contacts to SMS Smart. Hope you’ll like it!
If you have additional questions, you may check the FAQ on our website, maybe the answer to your question is already there.
Besides, we are ready to help you, feel free to contact us!
SMS-Smart Team